Military Network Radio with Linda Kreter presents:
Urgency on Agent Orange Legislation – House Bill 566 –

Guest and Army veteran Gerry Wright is pictured here with Congressman Joe Courtney of Connecticut; one of the legislators in CT fighting for support of Agent Orange legislation. As Vietnam veterans are dying of this toxic exposure each week, the timeliness of a new Federal Bill, House 566 is vital. Please contact your legislator in DC and ask them to support this important legislation.
When Admiral Zumwalt authorized the use of Agent Orange, the full extent of the dangers of exposure to this defoliant was unknown. Agent Orange was sprayed to rid the undergrowth of the jungle where the war was being fought – but it was also sprayer on food supply chains, drinking water, it flowed in the rivers, and Navy and brown water sailors used the contaminated water for ballast – and drinking water after filtration that concentrated the dioxin levels. Sprayed from aircraft, it was often mixed with jet fuel to better adhere to the leaves – in three days, the foliage was gone, but the dangerous effects continue.
Agent Orange is responsible for 14 presumptive conditions at the VA, but other ailments are time limited and many cancers and Parkinson’s disease are more prevalent due to exposure. Help get the word out to pass this legislation and to support our Vietnam veterans! Learn more on Facebook at the page “Sprayed and Betrayed – AO,
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