Military Network Radio and Linda Kreter with Co-host Les Davis presents:
Becoming a Leader of Character –

Author and veteran Dave Anderson has been steeped in the value of character from birth, and his father, General James Anderson raised his son to excel. From West Point, a decorated combat veteran to 20 years in a Fortune 50 company, Dave is now a speaker, leader, coach, radio show host, and has a message that resonates in today’s uncertain world.

Character. Most know it’s essential, but have challenges defining it. In Dave’s book we learn the “Six Habits that Make or Break a Leader at Work and at Home”. Think about your life; have the disappointments been poor leadership choices, or a poor character decisions? Know that it’s never too late to hone your character skills and refine your leadership. Personal growth is life-long for those who seek wisdom and a path that rarely wavers. Don’t miss this learning hour and re-prioritize the important things in your life! More at
Click here to download the show, or below to listen live. Also available on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher. Air date: 29Mar2020.