Military Network Radio with Linda Kreter presents:
Wounded Warrior Sailing Events for Recovering Families & the Latest on Secondary PTSD –

Paul Bollinger of the WW Sailing Squadron and LCDR Marisa McClure, Director of the Sailing Program at the USNA share their experiences with the multiple sailing events offered to recovering warriors from Walter Reed and the greater DelMarVa peninsula. Sailing is more than being on the water – it’s a time of teamwork, competition, and therapy that only new experiences can bring. Supported by CRAB, and other non-profits, these events are given the highest priority by all participating in Annapolis and beyond.
Professor Camille Hall from the University of Tennessee brings us the latest on Secondary Trauma, or secondary PTSD. This condition affects many, including those who live with someone with PTSD, caregivers, and also children. With professional therapy and knowledge, much can be done to better manage these symptoms. Camille presents as part of our on-air partnership with the Smith College School of Social Work in MA.
Download the podcast here, or Listen Live by clicking below. Podcast also available in iTunes, under Military Network Radio podcasts. Air date, 24Nov2015.