Military Network Radio with Linda Kreter & co-host Jason McNamara presents:
Why We Need Veterans involved in Voting & Elected Office

With his expertise today and after bringing commercial techniques to government agencies, Bob is working with veterans and service members to interest them in politics and elected office to help change policy and to forward the skills of the military into the legislative realm. Though Jennifer & Bob’s current positions are with the GOP, this is a non-partisan show to vividly illustrate that by engaging our veterans into the legislative and elective process – the needs of our military and sound decisions will be made in the future. Download the podcast here, or Listen Live by clicking below.
Organizations for more information: Federal Voting Assistance Program (voter registration), Republican Leadership Initiative (a political boot camp program), Veterans Campaign, (non-partisan programs for political candidates & staff), Truman Project (liberal non-partisan training programs), and Concerned Veterans of America (conservative non-partisan training). Air date, 03Nov2015.