Military Network Radio and Linda Kreter with Co-host Justin Constantine presents:
Veterans Treatment Courts – Collaborative Justice for Vets
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DJ Reyes, (COL, USA, ret.) gives his time seven days a week to helping veterans who are better served with Veterans Treatment Court (VTC) than incarceration for legal incidents with underlying behavioral health treatment. This includes untreated PTSD, TBI, addiction, alcoholism, IPV, MST and other conditions.
Veterans Treatment Court is an alternate criminal court process, and DJ shares how mentoring with coordinated healthcare (behavioral health, addiction, PTSD…) as well as family involvement assistance to enrolled veterans is saving families and lives. DJ is the senior Veterans Mentor to the 13th Judicial Circuit in FL, working with Judge Gregory Holder, the VJO (VA representative with access to the veterans medical history), and others to use this alternative process. DJ with the entire support team is demonstrating that coordinating medical treatment, educational value, and compassionate — but strict — mandatory regimen rehabilitates veterans with an 88% success rate for first offenders. VTC shows collaborative, compassionate justice versus incarceration where appropriate, and veterans who succeed often move forward to provide mentor support to others after proven stability. More information: Download the show here, or listen live below. Also found in iTunes podcasts under Military Network Radio, Stitcher and Google Play. Air date, 14June2016.