Military Network Radio and Linda Kreter with Co-host Tosombra Kimes presents:
The Value of Expressive Arts on Healing –

Art therapy is not technically “for artists”, and has proven to provide excellent complementary help for veterans to try new things to ease the transition to veteran status. For those with invisible injuries or who need a way to convey potential turmoil, expression through art is sometimes easier than talking for some. This program encompasses all artistic expression and their center is a best-practices model from painters, to sculptors, poets, musicians, theatre, all the way to wearable art.
Recovery with wellness is critical for returning veterans, and their families. Through the medium of art and expression, personal growth, accomplishment, pride, and camaraderie are enhanced for many. Consider adding this complementary therapy to care for vets and their families! For more information, go to or write Mack at [email protected] directly.
Click here to download the show,, or click below to listen live. Also available on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher. Air date 06Dec2016.