Military Network Radio and Linda Kreter with Guest Co-host Les Davis presents:
The Uphill Climb: Veteran Caregivers –

From the first phone call, the long days and nights at Walter Reed Army Medical Center (pre-Bethesda), entry into the National Caregiver Program, and to their home high in the mountains of Colorado, Torrey has been a relentless seeker of information, a tireless advocate and mentor to other caregivers. She also knows this journey has hurdles that are avoidable — if only the medical system would work and communicate more closely with those that care for their wounded, ill, or injured family member.
Learn more about their participation in the caregiver program, and the need for continued education and personal growth. Resourceful efforts are shared, we’ll examine areas of needed change, and how to extend hope and healing well-being for the caregiver. Caregivers shoulder a large part of the shared responsibility for healing and recovery and function best as an integral part of the care team.
For more information, please go to To download the show, click here, and to listen live, click below. Also available on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher. Air date, 29Nov2016.