Military Network Radio with Linda Kreter and Co-host Les Davis Presents:
The Transitioning Student Veteran –

She was inspired to write “The Transitioning Student Veteran”, which is a guideline for how to successfully prepare for the next phase of their careers with planning, great communication, and an understanding of self-awareness. Veterans and their families know that planning is essential to success and finding your GI bill funds halfway gone when you discover you’ve made an error can be avoided.
What does “veteran-friendly” mean? Does your advisor understand your aspirations? What is your personality and learning preference? How to better understand the “retention rates” and how they can be erroneous – it’s all here. More information on Karina’s book is here: and also Click here, to download the show, or click below to listen live. Also available on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher. Air date, 14Mar2017.