Linda Kreter and Military Network Radio presents:
TeleHealth: Leveraging Technology for Integrated Care –

Technology is generally regarded as effective as face-to-face interaction by patients, and often becomes their preference, especially when distance or the lack of specialist close to home is inconvenient. Capabilities now include collection of vitals (BP, weight, etc.) and used for visible and invisible injuries, adding convenience, specialists, and quick check-ins where appropriate.
Consider how valuable efficiencies are to quality of life: shorter wait times, direct access to health education, monitoring conditions remotely, and providing the right specialist or therapist to the service member or veteran, thereby raising the level of integrated, more seamless care.
More information may be found here:, or at the Outreach Call Center: 866-966-1020 or
Click here to download the podcast:, or listen live below. Also available on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher. Air date, 25Apr2016.