Military Network Radio with Linda Kreter & Co-host Jason McNamara presents:
Smokeships Always Leading the Way: Vietnam 50 Years Ago –

Extended combat stress leaves a man changed, and upon return to the United States, Brian found that living by the war mantra of his mentor “Get Ready. Stay Ready” was not a good way to live in the civilian world. His journey covers fighting both personal demons and the bureaucracy, two continents, a dozen books, award-winning documentary films, original music — and his flight artifacts are included in the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC.
Brian’s work can be found on and his film and e-books are unique and downloadable; we encourage you to “keep the story alive” and to honor this Vietnam veteran helping other vets every day. This is a story of strength, resilience, and grit. Click here to download the podcast:, and click below to Listen Live. Also available 24/7 in iTunes podcasts (Military Network Radio). Air date, 05Apr2016.