Military Network Radio with Linda Kreter and Co-host Jason McNamara presents:
Sleep After Trauma –

Guest Army veteran and physician Binyamin Rothstein, D.O. shares valuable information on natural and homeopathic solutions to reduce sleep interrupted by trauma experiences and symptoms of PTSD or TBI. Veteran Jason McNamara paints three scenarios: Active duty recently returned from downrange, a veteran medicating with alcohol or substances to sleep, and the sometimes violent experience of being a partner to a veteran and the fears that accompany each situation.

Dr. Rothstein shares natural supplements, EFT, homeopathy, aromatherapy, and additional actions to calm the brain, reset triggers, and to set the stage for restorative sleep without Rx medication. Commonsense simple steps may help your family. Everyone serves and together we make a difference.
Click here to download the show, or click below to listen live. Also available on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher. Air date 06June2017.