Military Network Radio and Linda Kreter with Co-host Les Davis presents:
Round Table Discussion: Issues Facing Transitioning Student Veterans –

Join our first round table discussion and hear varied perspectives and priorities from three experts in the educational transition space: Dr. Karina Money, CEO of the Right Path and author of “The Transitioning Student Veteran in Higher Education”, Tom Stein, retired USMC 0-6, President of Greyhawk Enterprises and The Hire Target, Asst. Professor – Aerospace at Embry Riddle and author of “Fire Your Resume”, and Kaitlin Gray, Assistant Director, Veterans Employment and Education Division at The Legion share their views with Les and Linda.
Discussion Points: Forever GI Bill and new changes, Veteran-friendly or Veteran-ready, are student veterans graduation rates equal to their civilian peers, and what are some obstacles that may slow a veteran’s immersion into education or trade school. You’ll enjoy these passionate advocates and this dynamic format.
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Click here to download the show, or click below to listen live. Also available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and other outlets. Air date 15Aug2017.
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