Military Network Radio and Linda Kreter presents:
Restoration Ranch – Healing Horses & Veterans –

Restoration Ranch: Rescue horses paired with veterans (and their families) learn trust and communication and this natural environment, where attention turns to the outdoors, the horses, and the quietude provides a tailor-made venue for positive life experiences.
Beth Rand is the co-founder and Executive Director of the Joyful Horse Project whose team has established a robust program at Restoration Ranch to rescue horses and to help heal veterans. Derek Knapp is former Airborne, a 5th generation rancher and horseman, and a driving force behind the V.E.T.S. (Veterans Equine Therapy Services) Development program at the Ranch. He knows first-hand how extreme combat conditions and reconnection with these large animals can heal. Michael Richardson uses the adaptive lessons he’s learned to help others surmount challenges he sustained from a personal accident that made him a paraplegic in his 20’s. He is eminently accomplished in the equestrian world and is literally the horse whisperer; fluent in the subtleties of communication to build trust and reduce anxiety — the very conditions a combat veteran is likely to share.
Click this link to download the podcast:, or click below to listen live. Also available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and other outlets. Air date: 25Jul2017.