Military Network Radio and Linda Kreter with Co-host Pamela Stokes Eggleston presents:
Resilience: Vets and Spinal Cord Injury

Christopher Neiweem is an Army veteran of OIF and Kuwait whose work following active duty service includes continuing service to his fellow veterans with legislative, advocacy, and Hill roles. He is an expert on veterans with disabilities with stints at MOAA, WWP, Spinal Cord Association and more.
Michael Paul is an Army veteran of the Gulf War and personally lives with spinal cord injury and serves his fellow vets through advocacy and his new organization, On Target 4 Veterans (
We will discuss the challenges, the legislative hurdles, and the personal victories of those with spinal cord injuries and those of their families.
Click here to download the podcast: or click below to listen live. Also available 24/7 on iTunes, Stitcher, and other outlets. Air date 24Apr2018.