Linda Kreter and Military Network Radio with Co-host Tosombra Kimes presents:
PTSD/TBI and Veteran Treatment Courts –

Every war experience brings changes to the soldier, airmen, sailor, or marine, and a legal system that recognizes PTSD and TBI symptoms that cause substance abuse, anger, Intimate Partner Violence, homelessness, can bring a positive outcome for many returning vets who fall afoul of the law. This is no “easy out”, but a judge and multiple resources (VA mandated care, weekly contact, mentors, and a structure to provide a framework for correction. The success rate is 80% and there are close to 200 VTC’s nationwide.
VTC has the power to direct life toward treatment and redemption. More at and Dominick’s book is here:
Click here to download the show, or click below to listen live. Also available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and other outlets. Air date 13Jun2017.