Military Network Radio and Linda Kreter, with Co-host Jason McNamara presents:
Small Town Sacrifice — Holley Boys –

Michael Keene, author and USMC Vietnam Veteran became the voice of small town America with his story of Holley, NY, population 1,500, which lost 8 talented, cherished, and patriotic young men to war during the Vietnam era.
Today the world is larger, often less engaged while more “connected”. Can a community experience PTSD? We think so and rural and small town America still provides large numbers who serve. A compelling story and one with much to consider long after our sign-off. More at Michael’s book: “Vietnam Reflections: The Untold Story of the Holley Boys” is here
Click here to download the show, or click below to listen live. Also available on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher. Air date, 17Apr2018.