Military Network Radio with Linda Kreter & with Co-host Jason McNamara present:
Intimate Partner Violence, Part 2
Intersection of IPV & Co-Occurring Conditions:

April Gerlock, psychiatric nurse practitioner also specializes in IPV and co-occurring conditions. The complex nature of PTSD, TBI, depression, and substance abuse and IPV means good treatment with a comprehensive offender assessment to peel back the differing conditions and symptoms. Both women are collaborative colleagues and experts, able to build upon each other’s expertise to clarify that the volatility in such relationships must be treated seriously, and that leaving an IPV situation may cause escalation before improvement. Recommended IPV resources are the National Domestic Hotline: 1-800-799-7233 or, and and local agencies to provide greater understanding of victim resources, and offender resolutions.
Click this link to download the podcast:, or click below to listen live. Also available 24/7 on iTunes podcasts, Google Play, and Stitcher. Air date, 19July2016.