Military Network Radio with Linda Kreter & with Co-host Jason McNamara present:
Intimate Partner Violence – Context is Everything

Lynn Anderson is Supervisory Social Worker Polytrauma, Education Coordinator and the DV/IPV Coordinator at McGuire VA Medical Center in Richmond, VA. This broad position provides access to IPV education, prevention, and resolution and/or treatment of IPV.
Relationships are complex, and the military has its own culture and code that often demands less privacy than in the civilian world. The commonality with civilians is matched with under-reporting, context of the situation, and interpreting the causal factors when IPV occurs. These experts share a significant overview and discussion of Intimate Partner Violence and the options for safety, treatment, and resolution.
For more information, contact the National Domestic Violence Helpline at 800-799-7233 (SAFE) and Click the Veterans tab on Battered Women’s Justice Project at and nationwide VA help is found at (input IPV or DV in the Search box); there are IPV Coordinators at each VA medical center to help you.
Click here to download the podcast:, or click below to listen now. Also available in iTunes, Google Play, and on Stitcher podcasts under Military Network Radio. Air date, 28Jun2016.