Military Network Radio with Linda Kreter and Co-host Tosombra Kimes presents:
Healing & Restoring Trust with Vet’s Pets –

Dava Guerin and Kevin Ferris have written a second book based on their close relationships with wounded warriors and the ways families recover. Following “The Mighty Moms of Walter Reed” about the parent caregivers of wounded warrior adult children, Dava and Kevin realized that service and companion animals played a large part in the healing and recovery process of the wounded warriors they’d come to know. Thus Vets and Pets was born, with remarkable stories about veterans and their four-legged family members.

Leslie Nicole Smith is a retired Army captain who served in Bosnia in 2001. She shares her story of losing her leg and her eyesight — and the introduction of her beloved service dog, Isaac, whose intuitive nature makes Isaac an extension of herself. Leslie continues her service through public speaking, acting, advocacy, always connected to Isaac.
Learn how the bond between veterans and their animals creates harmony, peace, and increased independence for both visible and invisible injuries. Click here to download the show, or click below to listen live. Also available on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher. Air date 30May2017.