Military Network Radio with Linda Kreter and co-host Tosombra Kimes presents:
Fight Like a Girl

Guest and Marine Kate Germano may have retired, but she has found strength in writing “Fight Like a Girl”, with co-author Army veteran Kelly Kennedy. Kate was an exemplary Marine, and led Fourth Recruit Training Battalion at Parris Island in the USMC gender-segregated boot camp. Leadership at was Parris Island perplexing. She was told “not to make waves”.
So, how does a leader increase productivity, reduce training injuries, and reduce turnover get fired? Her story is compelling. Are women at a disadvantage in the Marines, the only segregated boot camp in the armed services? Kelly Kennedy, her exceptional co-author was Army, where the differences were less stark. A fascinating show about strong women … Everyone serves and together we make a difference.
Click here to download the show, or click below to listen live. Also on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and other outlets. Air date, 27Mar2018.