Military Network Radio with Linda Kreter presents:
Dizziness & Balance Issues: Brain Injury or Inner Ear? –

Advancements in technology are contributing to leaps in positive treatment options for veterans with traumatic brain injury, inner ear disturbances, and balance disorders.
Marie Cosgrove is Managing Partner of Balanceback, a medical device company that can both diagnose and also treat neurological or vestibular (inner ear) disorders. Most are aware that TBI is underdiagnosed, and that rehabilitation services are challenging to obtain in many areas; BalanceBack is changing that at VA. Salvatore Gruttadauria, Au.D leads Clinical Research and Education for BalanceBack and also serves as CEO of Diversified hearing Services. This group of 120 professionals specialize in proven solutions to those suffering from hearing, balance, vestibular, speech, and other disorders.
Click here to download the show, or click below to listen live. Also available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and other outlets. Air date 01Aug017.