Military Network Radio and Linda Kreter presents:
Courtenay’s “War on PTSD” –

Today we bring you the stories of Navy veteran Courtenay Nold and her journey toward understanding and accessing PTSD resources. A very strong leader and naval officer, she found herself rocked by her combat experiences, and sought answers to include but go beyond Rx medications. Her journey included writing about the many experiences of fellow trauma survivors and brought peace, and her book, “War on PTSD” is a positive, resource-filled, veteran-centric series of chapters for vets and their families seeking help for invisible injuries.

Important point: If you know one person with PTSD, you know one person with PTSD. There are no one-size-fits-all therapies, and seek complementary and alternative means to support you or your family member.
Click here to download the show, or click below to listen live. Also on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and other outlets. Air date 13Nov2018.