Military Network Radio and Linda Kreter with Co-host Justin Constantine presents:
Core Strengths for a Strong Transition –

Veteran Dwayne Paro is a strong believer in the core strengths of the military that translate well to civilian careers or for veteran entrepreneurs. Adaptability, readiness, flexibility, on-time/on-mission dependability are all hallmarks of the military that work well in the private sector.

Wayne also shares how important it is for the veteran to know of the perceptions in the corporate world, and that interviews may be numerous, rank/titles of those interviewing may perplex, and that seldom is the first job the long-term job. Stats show that the majority of veterans leave their first job within a year – looking inward for the job characteristics you prize the most is critical for a job fit that leads to further positions. Find out more at
Click here to download the show,, or click below to listen live. Also on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher. Air date 25Apr2017.