Military Network Radio and Linda Kreter, with co-host Pamela Stokes Eggleston presents:
PTSD Touches the Entire Family –

Ingrid Herrera-Yee, PhD is the founder of Military Spouse Behavioral Health Clinicians (MSBHC) which specifically supports military spouse/partner behavioral health issues. She’s a former Military Spouse of the Year, the Military/Veteran Policy director at NAMI, and is a family advocate supreme.
Judy Davis, author, blogger, speaker, and co-founder of Dasium works around the world sharing insights on aspects of military life, particularly stressors on milteens and youth. Suicide prevention, substance abuse and depression awareness, and communication within a family is key to her message. Known as the Direction Diva, Judy is well known to military families around the world.
Click here to download, or click below to listen live. Also available on iTunes podcasts, Google Play, and Stitcher. Air date 02Aug2016.